Meeting Rooms

The Green Hills Public Library District Meeting Rooms are available to individuals or organizations for public meetings.  Library activities and Library functions shall have priority over non-Library activities and non-Library functions.  Interested parties should review the Conditions of Use and fill out a Meeting Room Application.

Available Rooms

  • Ground Floor Meeting Room: 40 person capacity
  • First Floor Meeting Room: 100 person capacity

Conditions of Use

  1. The booking party must be a current and valid Green Hills Public Library District cardholder. Applicants must be 18 years of age or older. Applicants will be notified within seven days of the Library’s acceptance or rejection of their applications, and if rejected, the reasons therefore.  The applicant must be a member, agent, or officer of the sponsoring organization, if any.  The applicant will act as a liaison between the organization and the Library, and the applicant must be present for the entire meeting.
  2. All individuals and organizations requesting to reserve a meeting room are required to present a Certificate of Liability Insurance with the Library listed as the Certificate Holder. The minimum limits of liability an organization must carry are $1,000,000 each occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate.
  3. All reservations will be accepted up to three months in advance on a first-come, first-serve basis upon receipt of the completed application. The Library must be notified if a cancellation becomes necessary.  Failure to cancel a scheduled meeting less than 48 hours in advance of the meeting may result in reservations being denied in the future.
  4. Meeting rooms are available for use during the Library’s normal business hours. All meetings must be adjourned and the meeting room vacated no less than 30 minutes before the Library closes.
  5. Meetings using Library facilities must be open to the public at large and not be restricted to the membership of the meeting sponsor. Users of meeting rooms may not charge admission, require fees, or request donations for attendance or participation.  No products or services may be solicited or sold.
  6. As required by the Americans with Disabilities Act, reasonable accommodations requested by participants will be provided by the sponsoring organization or individual.
  7. Organizations or individuals meeting in the Library may not use the Library’s mailing address or telephone number. The Library’s telephone system shall not be available to the participants meeting in the building.
  8. Groups of children through grade 12 may use the meeting room with adult supervision. The adult supervisor must sign the meeting room application, take responsibility for the group and must be in attendance at all times.  Children must remain in the meeting room during the entire meeting to avoid disruption to the normal functions of the Library.
  9. The Library will not provide any supplies for meetings, including, but not limited to, coffee urns, platters, paper, goods, etc. Coffee and light refreshments are permitted, if provided by the applicant.  The cleanup of such refreshments by the meeting room user is mandatory.
  10. Users of the meeting room shall be responsible for arranging the meeting room furniture to suit their activities, replacing furniture to its proper location, and returning the room to its original condition.
  11. The Library will be responsible for furnishing the necessary meeting space, tables, and seating. Meeting room users may use the projector upon request and training must be arranged with Library personnel in advance.  The Library will not provide storage for the property of any meeting room user which meets in the building. The Library is not responsible for equipment, supplies, materials, or personal possessions owned by those sponsoring or attending a meeting.
  12. The Library reserves the right to cancel any reservations due to unforeseen circumstances. The Library may also cancel a reservation if any Library policy is violated.
  13. The Library makes meeting rooms available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or organizations requesting their use. Permission to use a meeting room does not constitute endorsement by the Library of the subject matter of the meeting or the group’s beliefs and policies.  Publicity for non-Library sponsored meetings shall in no way imply Library sponsorship.
  14. Any individual or organization using the meeting room shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Green Hills Public Library District, its Board of Trustees, and staff, from any loss, cost, expense, or damage occasioned by the use of Library property.
  15. Failure to abide by the requirements and regulations set forth in this policy will result in a minimum charge of $100.00.
  16. Any other activity which would materially and substantially interfere with the proper functions of the Library, such as excessive noise, a significant safety hazard, or a significant security risk, is prohibited.
  17. All users must abide by the Patron Conduct Policy and all other applicable policies.

For more information on the Library’s meeting room or to check for availability, please contact Kristen Human at 708-598-8446 ext. 128 or