Study Rooms

The Green Hills Public Library District provides private study rooms to serve the needs of the Library and the communities it serves.  These rooms are intended for independent study and/or collaboration of small groups. The Board may modify, amend, or supplement this policy, as it deems necessary.

Single study rooms are to be used by one person.  At least two users must be present to occupy a group study room, but no more than five users due to occupancy limitations.  All users occupying a study room must be of high school age or older unless accompanied by an adult.  A valid photo ID or GHPLD Library card will be retained by staff while the room is in use.

All study rooms are available on a walk-in basis; advance reservations are not accepted.  Rooms may be used for two hours, and session time may be extended if no other patrons are waiting.  Study rooms must be vacated 15 minutes prior to the Library closing.

There is no guarantee of a silent atmosphere due to the proximity to public spaces and other study rooms.  Users of each room are asked to be respectful of others in adjacent spaces.  All individuals are responsible for the condition of the rooms they occupy and should return furniture to the original arrangement.

Any activity which would materially and substantially interfere with the proper functions of the Library such as excessive noise, a significant safety hazard, security risk, or any disturbance that violates other applicable policies is prohibited.  The Library retains the right to monitor users in study rooms to ensure compliance with Library regulations.  Failure to comply may result in denial of access.

Questions?  Let us know!

If you have any questions, call the Adult Services Desk at 708-598-8446 ext. 120.