Beyond Books Collection

GHPLD maintains a Beyond Books collection, which includes non-traditional Library materials in support of lifelong learning and exploration.  Examples of items available for checkout include adaptive devices, digitizing equipment, hobby supplies, home maintenance tools, STEM kits, toys for children, and so much more. 

Where can I find a complete list of items in the collection?
Browse the full collection using the online catalog, or visit the collection in-person near the AV items.  This collection is consistently growing; check back often for new items! 

How long can I keep items?
Each item may be checked out for two weeks and will automatically renew provided there are no holds on the item(s), the renewal limit has not been reached, and/or the patron’s account balance is less than $25.00.

Who can check out items from the collection? 
Valid GHPLD cardholders in good standing, who are 10 years of age or older, may check out Beyond Books items. 

Can items be placed on hold?

Is there a checkout limit? 
Yes, up to three Beyond Books items may be checked out at a time to allow all cardholders an opportunity to use the collection.

How can I return items?
Please return Beyond Books items to the Patron Services Desk during our operating hours.  These items may not be returned through our outdoor book drop.  Any damage that occurs will be the responsibility of the cardholder. 

Are there any other conditions of use? 
The Library does not provide supervision or instruction for the use of Beyond Books items, and patrons agree to use items consistent with their intended purpose.  When checking out Beyond Books items, users voluntarily release, discharge, waive, and hold harmless the Library, its employees, and Board of Trustees from any loss, damage, or injury to persons or property arising from such use.

Questions?  Let us know!
Call 708-598-8446 ext. 120 or email