Parent Resources

Parent/Teacher Collection

The Library has a special collection of books for parents and teachers to borrow.  These resources are helpful for lesson planning and obtaining creative ideas.  Are you looking for a resource that we do not have?  Email or call 708-598-8446 ext. 117.

Reading Lists

Youth Services has compiled a series of reading lists just for you!  Narrow down award winners as well as books that fall within various genres.  These lists can help you locate books for required reading or just for fun.  Check online catalog for item availability.

Homework Help

The Library has the following subscription-based resources available to help your child with homework assignments.  They are available remotely or within the Library.  A Library card is required.

  • NoveList K-8 Plus
    Find recommended reads, information on authors, book discussion guides, reading lists on various subjects such as historical, realistic, and fantasy fiction.
    Get help with homework, studying for an exam or understanding today’s lesson.  Subjects include Math, Science, Social Studies, and English.  Tutors are available everyday from 12pm-12am.  When tutors are unavailable, users can still access lessons, worksheets, study guides, and more.

Questions?  Let us know!

Call 708-598-8446 ext. 117 or email